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Just like a parent would hire a sports coach to help their child thrive at a sport or a tutor to help their child perform better in math, a parent can hire a “life coach for kids” to support their child who is struggling with common challenges of growing up such as:

  • Degrading self-esteem.
  • Declining self-confidence.
  • Bouncing back from disappointment.
  • Dealing with peer pressure.
  • Finding direction, and so much more.

As with sports coaches and tutors who help kids develop the skills and knowledge to achieve their goals in sports or academics, a life coach for kids helps children develop the skills and knowledge to shape how they think about themselves, their abilities, their goals, and their dreams.

Did you know that children with a growth mindset are far more positive, successful, and confident? Children with a growth mindset see challenges as an opportunity to grow. We all want our children to be happy and to walk in the world with their heads held high – the question is, how do we teach them to do that?

No matter how much we love our children, we can’t give them self-esteem, self-confidence, or success in life. What we can do is help them to develop it themselves.

Life coaching is about empowering kids through mindset development and growth.

Children learn how to use the power of their mind and the power of their thoughts to create happiness, confidence, and success in their lives so that they can take their life, goals, and dreams wherever they want to go.

Life coaching for kids isn’t just for kids who are facing challenges or problems. Helping kids learn how to reach their fullest potential is about personal development and personal empowerment so that they will be ready to face any challenge that comes their way. They can use the skills they learn for the rest of their lives!

If you are familiar with the life coaching model for adults, then you know that the primary tool used by a life coach is questions.

Through the questioning process, the coach facilitates self-discovery and awareness of situations in that client’s life and then supports them in developing a plan for change.

Although this is a powerful process for adults, the questioning process alone won’t work for kids. And the reason is brain development!

The traditional coaching model works for adults because the frontal lobe of adults’ brains, where critical thinking occurs, is fully developed. These critical thinking skills enable adults to make distinctions and to draw conclusions more effectively. Adults also have greater life experience from which to draw upon. This is why life coaches use questions as their main tool for engaging with their adult clients.
Children’s brains are different. Their frontal lobes are not fully developed, nor are their critical reasoning skills. This is where we come in! The system we use is called the WISDOM System for Coaching Kids. Through the system kids learn how to use their mind’s power and the power of their thoughts to create happiness, confidence, and success in their lives. And the best part is… they get to learn it through stories.

Stories are powerful.
Stories are a great tool to start a conversation with kids.
Stories help kids get in touch with thoughts and feelings.
Through these powerful stories, children are able to see the skills in action.

As a result, coaching kids requires a stronger teaching component to help them learn powerful mindset skills for navigating the ups and downs of growing up and creating a path to accomplish their goals.

And that is why stories are such a powerful tool for coaching kids!

When children are provided with a layer of knowledge using stories, and then questions and activities are used to help children apply that knowledge to their own lives, powerful transformation can occur.

We recommend that children can begin coaching as early as six years of age!

We recommend that students are coached for one hour, once a week. Each coaching package runs for six weeks, and focuses on different life skills. However, personalized coaching packages are also available for our one on one clients.

In terms of group workshops and classes, they are run for 4-6 weeks, depending on the life skills being taught.

Groups are kept to a maximum of 5 students.

Yes absolutely! At Invincible Kids, we equip children with a toolkit of transferrable skills that can be practiced daily, and one of the best places to practice is at school, where so many kids experience life’s ‘curveballs’. We help kids develop resilience skills and help children manage life’s ‘curveballs’ – whether it’s facing a big change or dealing with significant disappointment. Kids learn how to bounce back and pick themselves up, so they can “go for it” in life.

Life coaching is about supporting our kids in living their best life! Just like a baseball coach helps kids develop skills, confidence, and ability to thrive in baseball; at Invincible Kids, we help kids develop the skills, confidence, and ability to succeed in life.

Although life coaching and counselling may have similarities, such as asking the critical questions, listening, and finding patterns in people’s lives, they are not the same thing.

Counselling is designed to help those with more serious issues lead a more normal, productive life or to get back on track – these types of issues might include anxiety, depression, or OCDs – moving past abuse or going through a personal crisis at home such as an illness or divorce.

Life Coaching is different. It is about helping people get from where they are to where they want to be. For most people that means reaching higher goals and creating tremendous success, creating more balance and happiness in their lives, and feeling more fulfilled in their lives and their relationships – it’s about creating what they want.
In many ways, counselling is about resolving or managing issues from the past, whereas life coaching is about creating the future and helping clients achieve the ultimate vision they have for their lives.